How to use
On this site I try to pass most of the knowledge using practical examples. It’s a digital book, and unlike paper books I can make pages interactive. There will be interactive code editors on most pages. I would have loved to have these tools when I started learning programming. Try it out yourself, write any code you want and press run to see the output printed below:
There are currently two supported programming languages: Python and C++. In game programming C++ is the language of choice for most high quality games. This is due to the flexibility it offers to mess around with low level details such as memory management. For high level concepts I will try to use Python more, as it’s the easier language to teach and understand general concepts.
Often I feel the need to explain visually, especially when it comes to math. Learning by doing or learning by example is what taught me the best, so I will keep providing these code editors. Both for the Python and C++ there is functionality to present to a canvas. Below you’ll find a classic game example for the Python editor (note that you will have to click on the canvas to enable focus for keypresses):